Recipes tagged as GSB cuisine

Star Fruit Pickle

Karambala Nonche – Carambola (Star Fruit) Pickle

We make a lots of pickles at home depending on the seasonal availability of the ingredients. I shared the instant Jackfruit pickle last time, which had a bit short shelf life. Now it is time for something which can be savoured for a bit more longer

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Taikile Ambado - taro leaves fritters

Taikile Ambado (Dangar) – Tora leaves fritters

At the onset of monsoon many local plants become available in South of India which can be made in into delicious dishes . One such plant is Senna Tora or “Taikilo” as we call it in Konkani language. We use the young leaves of the plant and make fritters or “ambado” from them.

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Kadgi Chakko

Kadgi Chakko

Kadgi chakko is a Konkani side dish just like sukka masala or any other dry dish. It is often served along with rice and daal (daali toy).

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